Our resident thrifty creative, my sister Sonya, has been busy renovating some bedrooms for our property owners again and I thought I’d share some of her handiwork here.

Sonya’s really crafty but she’s also really into keeping costs down to an absolute minimum for our villa owners – we want them to get the most return for their investment without having to spend silly money on expensive refurbs.  Sonya is great at this.

First, take a look at how she’s re-purposed these tired old pictures from the living room into some fun, Mickey-themed pictures for a new themed children’s bedroom.

Step 1: Remove glass and tape over the sections of the frame she wanted to keep pale grey.

Step 2: Spray black spray paint over all the ‘mahogany’-coloured woodwork of the frame and leave to dry.  NB: put plenty of newspaper down first in the area you’ll be using the spray paint!  The last thing we want are some unexpected repair or cleaning costs!

Step 3: In the first frame, Sonya replaced these tired old abstracts with some images from an old roll of retro Mickey Mouse wallpaper she found at a yard sale.

Step 4: In the second frame, Sonya used an image from the wallpaper in the central section, but can you guess what she made the Mickey Mouse silhouettes out of? They’re actually made from an old CD and a pre-loved balloon weight!

mickey makeover 2 part 2

Finally, Sonya completed another frame with her trademark black spray paint and a super-cheap tshirt she picked up for next to nothing.  I hope you’ll agree that they look great and are a testament to Sonya’s incredible make-do-and-mend approach to injecting a bit of new life into our homes.

Thanks Sonya – great job!